Thursday, 16 June 2022 – CLOSES 31 August 2022 at 4pm
The Trust invites students from local schools to submit a piece of writing or an artwork that explores a journey of immigration to Howick, similar to what the Fencibles took 1n 1847, 175 years ago.
The submission can depict life in Howick 175 years ago OR can be more recent and show what Howick was like at the time of your arrival.” This is an opportunity to recall and reflect on the history of our area and celebrate our vibrant and diverse present-day community. The Committee invites students from local schools to submit a piece of writing or an artwork depicting life in Howick 175 years ago, around the time of the arrival of the Fencibles.
The writing can be in any genre, maximum 500 words, and the art can be in any genre, maximum A3 size. These broad categories will allow schools to respond to this invitation within their scheduled learning programmes. Work can be submitted by email or hard copies can be delivered to the front desk at the Howick Historical Village. Please submit by 31st August 2022, before 4pm. All artwork is to be labelled clearly, with the student’s first name only on the front, with full name, year level and school on the reverse.
Selected submissions will be displayed in Howick and on the website. Family passes to the Howick Historical Village will awarded as spot prizes. A flyer is available on request with detailed instructions and a list of relevant learning resources.
Enquiries and submissions to